Saturday, November 20, 2010

Laptop destroy men's fertility The vicinity of a special

Laptop destroy men's fertility

The vicinity of a special

Many studies have found that abnormal sperm of the most important causes of infertility, as the hormone deficiency in men as a factor infertility accounted for more of these problems despite the scarcity of women, there are only about 5% of men complain of this problem as a reason for not A_khasabhm.

In most cases, does not show the disorder in men only after the semen analysis, as hormonal disorders resulting from the lack of fertility in men difficult Calendar and degree of success of treatment depends on the evolution of the condition or progress.

Because age and lifestyle affect the current status of sperm and the man's chances to be a father, a recent study showed that the use of a laptop may affect the reproductive health of men.

For his part, said William Chinkin world of the urinary tract from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, who directed the study, there was little that could be done to avoid it except you use your laptop on the desk.

The Chinkin that millions of men are now using laptop computers, especially in the childbearing age, he said, adding that within ten minutes or 15 minutes to become the temperature of the scrotum have actually higher than we consider safe, but they do not feel this, and added that a laptop on the knees required to maintain Amadmomtin legs without the movement and after one hour in this situation is discovered that the degree of testicular temperature rose by up to 5.2 degrees Celsius, according to Lord Corporation radio and television, "the Syrian".

The Chinkin that the high temperature of the scrotum, even more than one degree centigrade enough to damage sperm, indicating that he would not say if a person is in the use of laptop computers will be sterile, although he warns that repeated use can contribute to reproductive problems, because Scrota had no time to cool When men sit and open their legs becomes possible only through the development of the computer on the great masters and they keep the testes cooler but still it takes less than 30 minutes before the rise in temperature of the testicles again.

Here Chinkin points out that even with the opening of the legs are still higher than the temperature we call safe and keep the pillow on your computer cool and means that less heat transmitted into the skin.

But he warned it did not do much to cool the testicles and may give false sense of security and used in this study thermometers to measure the temperature of the scrotum in 29 young people put their laptop on their knees and increased the temperature of the scrotum in men much more than it should be even with a cushion the bottom of the device.

She explained the American Society of Urological that nearly one of every six couples in the United States have difficulty conceiving because almost half of infertility in males and under normal circumstances, the presence of the testes outside the body Ibakehma cooler than a few degrees from inside the body which is necessary for the production of sperm .

Beware of electrical appliances

A recent study confirmed that electrical appliances may reduce the fertility of men and deny them from having children, warning men and couples who are trying to have children not to expose themselves repeatedly to electromagnetic devices as possible.

It is recommended by Dr. Lee De - Ken from Stanford University in California, men and couples who are trying to have children not to expose themselves repeatedly to electromagnetic devices as much as possible, for example, when using a microwave oven stay away from the device operating time and then approach him when you're cooking.

The researchers conducted experiments on volunteers working in places with high temperatures or be exposed during the day to chemicals affect sperm, such as materials, solvent, and found that the rate of 0.16 magnetic fields, which is a measure of the knowledge of magnetic fields, affecting the sperm and was low compared to their counterparts who do not know in such circumstances.

Dr. Ken that whenever a man working in an atmosphere of electromagnetic whenever sperm quality is poor.


In the same regard, the recent Egyptian study reported that the more weight a man dropped his virility and manhood have become threatened, as the risks of not having children at increasingly obese men every ten kilos overweight, reduce male fertility by 10%.

Dr. Mohamed Helmi consultant dermatologists and masculinity and a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, suggest that weight gain be associated with a large amount of fat cells in the third layer of the skin, and the fat layer can be turned on some of the male hormone to female hormone "estrogen ".

The dream that there is a strong relationship between male fertility and weight, heavy-weight men less interested in sexual relations of men owners of moderate weights.

Avoid these things

Mineral water

Study warned that the German men accustomed to deal with mineral water stored in plastic containers that they are at risk of impaired fertility.

The study, conducted on 100 men at the University of Frankfurt Jote German, that plastic bottles may cause disturbances in the endocrine glands; which led to a significant decline in male fertility due to increased hormones femininity.

The world's Martin Wagner to femininity that the hormone is known scientifically as "estrogen" has increased by 60% in the bodies of men who are accustomed to drinking mineral water in plastic bottles compared to men who are accustomed to drinking water from glass bottles.


U.S. study revealed that the basin of boiling hot water, "Jacuzzi" may impair male fertility due to the surge in the temperature of the water inside.

He warned the researchers from the University of California of leisure activities which include bathing in hot tubs for fear that harm male fertility.

The researchers came to this conclusion after asking for volunteers from the use of hot tubs that increase the body temperature from the heat for half an hour or more during the week and for a period of not less than 3 months.

The researchers analyzed under the leadership of Dr. Paul Turek and specialist in diseases of the bladder and urinary tract at the university, medical information relating to 11 men with poor fertility who use hot tubs with high temperatures frequently.

Turek confirmed that hot water harmful to fertility but are not sure about it until recently.

Heat car seats

Scientists have warned of the danger of men sit in the seats of a long hot cars on the sperm cells have, as rising temperatures disproportionately harm the sperm of men.

The researchers found the University of Giessen, Germany, during the study that they conducted specifically for this purpose that the temperature of the testes increased after hours of sitting in one of these seats warm to 37.3 degrees Celsius, while the average was in men who blocked the heat inside their cars 36.7 degrees Celsius.

, Summed up the magazine "Newoosaincts" the British as a result of the study, saying: "It may keep the seat heated to the temperature of a nice Mwkrtkm, but careful: If you are a man, this heat can burn the reproductive system you have."

The researchers saw the Germans that the optimum temperature for sperm production of one or two degrees lower than body temperature and this is one of the reasons make the testicles outside the body.

And found during these studies that delayed childbearing, if the husband sitting a day more than three hours in the car.

Some of the reasons that affect membership in the sexual power

- Disturbance in blood circulation due to injury and therefore affect the amount of blood reaching the penis They affect the erection process.

- Are taking certain medications that lead to relaxation of the body in general and especially the penis.

- The low level of male hormones on the normal limit occurs a decrease in sexual desire.

- Obesity, which lead to many complications to the members of the body, especially the heart, blood vessels, which negatively affect the sexual power.

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