Friday, January 22, 2010

Microsoft will soon control the game through body movements

Launched the "Microsoft" American project "Natal", which would enable gamers to control their movements through their bodies, instead of buttons, sticks, electronic launch is scheduled during the summer.
Users will be able to play and they stand in front of their screens and practice karate movements to play the guitar or default, or kick a ball fake during soccer match.
And hopes "Microsoft" that the project to attract older players, having decided on the games provided the famous "Xbox 360", where the camera will catch the three-dimensional, could explain the movement of the player and replicated on the screen.

The project includes adding a set of motion sensors, a measurement of acceleration and another to measure the strength of the pressure on the device, where Thelatthma working together to create a virtual map of how the body moves by the user and how to move his hands and involve the degree of pressure on them.
Updates on social networking sites
Most recently, the "Microsoft" launch a trial version of the updates "Xbox 360" on the social networking site "Facebook" and "Twitter."

Will be made available to the user to play with his friends on the signatories, will be able to see who has the property of their participation and call games to play with him. Will not be able to log on to user videos, or games and applications "Facebook" through the use of the property, as it did in the case of not having a keyboard attached to the device, it would have to write messages to friends through the arm controller.
Researchers also launched a property of a picture sharing the video games "Nintendo Drake & Scull International" on site "Facebook", which allows users to lift the images directly on the pages of the site.

The sources magazine "PC World", specializing in the field of technology that the images are moved from the device to "Facebook" through the means of communication with the site or through a downloadable photo album is designed when entering the user account from your games directly.
Games "Xbox Live" launched on mobile
It also expressed "Microsoft" of its intention to launch service games, "Xbox Live" on the phones that are running "Windows Mobile" of their own.

The likely sources of information to coincide put the service on phones with the launch of "Microsoft" version of "Windows Mobile 7" new by the end of next year.

The "Microsoft" launched service "Xbox Live" in 2002 to become the gateway through which users pay subscriptions for the use of multi-player games on the Internet.

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