Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An article about e-commerce Basics of electronic commerce

An article about e-commerce
Basics of electronic commerce
* The concept of electronic commerce Electronic Commerce:
Electronic commerce is a new concept explains the process of buying or selling or exchanging products,e-commerce services and information through computerized networks including the Internet. There are several points of view in order to define this word:
- The world of communication known as e-commerce as a means to deliver information, services or products via telephone lines or via computer networks or through any technical means.
- From the perspective of the business process is the application of technology to make commercial transactions take place automatically and fast.
- While the services known as electronic commerce as a tool in order to meet the needs of businesses and consumers and managers in reducing the cost of the service and increase Kvadtha and work to accelerate the delivery of service.
-e-commercee-commerce Finally, the online world known to the trade opens the door for the sale and purchase of products and services and information online.

* The area of electronic commerce:
Structure of electronic commerce:

A lot of people think that electronic commerce is just to get a site on the Internet, but much larger. There are a lot of e-commerce applications of cyberspace,e-commerce such as banks and shopping malls on the Internet and buy stocks and look for work and do auctions and cooperation with other individuals in the work of a search. In order to implement this Alttabkiet,e-commerce requires access to supporting information systems and infrastructure.

E-commerce applications supported by an infrastructure. And perform the work of these applications requires reliance on the four-pronged mission:
1) people
2) policy
3) technical standards and protocols
4) Other companies

* Sections of e-commerce applications:

E-commerce applications are divided into three parts:
1) buy and sell products and services,e-commerce a so-called market-mail.
2) conduct and facilitate the flow of information, communication and cooperation between companies and between different parts of one company
3) provide customer service

* Electronic Markets Electronic Commerce:

Market is a place of trading and transactions and relationships for the exchange of products and services, information and funds. When the auction market, the Trade Center is not a building or the like, but the place is a web container business dealings. Valmcharkin in the electronic markets of sellers and buyers,e-commerce two brokers are not only in different places,e-commerce but rarely know each other. Methods of communication between individuals in the electronic market differ from one individual to another and from one case to another.

* Information systems between organizations and electronic markets:

Information systems between institutions Interogranization Information Systems based on the exchange and flow of information between two or more.e-commerce Primary purpose is to rid the transactions effectively sending remittances, invoices and bills of exchange through external networks. In these systems,e-commerce all the relations between the parties concerned had been agreed upon in advance, there are no further negotiations,
e-commerce but just implement what was agreed upon beforehand. While the buyers and sellers in the market of electronic bidding and negotiating and Inaqson in the price and agree on a particular bill and carry out the agreement and they are online or not online. Systems between the institutions used only in enterprise applications for companies, while the electronic markets are used in enterprise applications for companies in the enterprise applications for consumers.

* Information systems between institutions:

Information systems between the institutions is a system that connects between several commercial providers often include a company and Mzodha and Msthlkha. And through information systems between institutions can buyers and sellers organizing and arranging routine commercial transactions. The exchange of information through networks of contacts are configured properly so as not to use phones and paper documents and business communication.e-commerce Previously,e-commerce the information systems between institutions was done through private telecommunications networks, but the trend now is to use the Internet for such purposes.

Types of information systems between institutions:
- EDI Electronic Data Interchange EDI: provides contact companies for companies in secure networks through value-added Value-added Networks.
- Additional Network Extranet: and that provides connectivity to corporate companies in secure online
- Electronic funds transfer Electronic Funds Transfer
- Electronic forms
- Integrated communication: This is the process of sending the emails and fax documents through a common system of sending mail.
- Shared databases: where the information stored in databases are subject to inspection by all parties involved in trade. The purpose of this sharing is to reduce the time needed to send and receive data if the data were not open to all. Almkasemp and runs through the additional networks.
- Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management: a collaboration between companies, suppliers and consumers in the field predict demand and manage inventory and an end to commercial applications,e-commerce a cooperation that leads to the reduction of stock and to speed up the shipment of goods and to allow real-time manufacturing

* The difference between pure e-commerce and e-commerce partial:

There are several forms of electronic commerce, depending on the degree of technical product and process technology and technology broker or agent.e-commerce See the following picture:

Any commodity can be either tangible or digital,e-commerce and any agent can be either tangible or digital and any process that are either tangible or digital. Based on that, we have the form of a cube contains 8 cubes Mksmomp between the three parts.

Trade is divided into 3 sections:
1) a purely traditional trade
2) e-commerce purely
3) e-commerce partial

When the agent significantly, and commodity concrete and concrete operation, the type of trade will be purely traditional commerce. When the proxy digital product digital and digital process, the type of trade will be purely electronic commerce. If one of the three factors have become digital and more concrete, there will be a mix between traditional commerce and electronic commerce. We call this mix: electronic commerce partial.e-commerce For example, if I bought a book from Amazon, the type of trade is a partial electronic commerce because the company will send you an e-book. But if I bought the software from Amazon, the type of e-commerce trade is purely because the company will send you the software via the Internet or email. The area of electronic commerce and a wide, even the process of buying a packet of cola from a smart card by the electronic commerce within the District.
File Beye Happy Happy Puppy

Difficult to get a good profit through the sale of electronic games, especially for independent companies. These games go through many marketing channels, each channel eat up part of the profits, and only a few remain and go to the author and creator of the game. Fmwsse company Happy Beye motion passed this experience that they decided to use the Internet in order to sell games to consumers directly. In less than a year,
e-commerce the company became a success story.

Company's Web site began in 1995. The company is one of the first companies in the use of electronic commerce. Is to take advantage of the Internet in the following way: The show and describe some of the electronic gaming software company's Web site. These games are designed by the company or other companies want to benefit from the company's Web site. These games are in the form of shareware or demo or freeware. Who shall each visitor to that site for free download some games on his computer by the Internet and experience the game. Impressed the visiting game, you buy the original and full of the game.

Company's Web site is very well known: Happy Puppy. Is downloaded millions of copies of games per month from the site of the company. Examines the company's employees a lot of competent forums online gaming. If they saw that one of the individuals asking about the game,e-commerce is sending an email to the author of the question and invited to visit the company website to fit on the game or only the employee put the link to the game in that forum.

As a result of this popularity, the company has become a source of income: commercial advertising that is placed on the company website. Also, the site allows visitors to download games only after filling out some questionnaires and then the company sells the results of questionnaires to interested firms.

1 comment:

  1. تكوين اصدقاء والتعامل معهم امر ليس صعبا كما هو ليس سهلا وخاصة ان كانت اللغة متباعدة اي كل تتكلم بلغة لا يفهمها الاخر.او ان المراسة والتعامل بالبريد اللاكتروني باللغة العربيةو لو من حين الى حين.وكذلك يتزود الاصدقاء بالتعرف على هذه اللغة واصداء
