Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Foreign exchange and currency rates

Look through the following articles before reading: The Dow Jones Industrial Average structure,money exchange Why is the Dow Jones Average so Popular, The Dow Jones Average, The Dow Jones Average Kinds

DAX (DAX 30,money exchange Deutscher Aktienindex) – the index of the “blue counters” in Germany is the largest and the most important index of the German economy. The Dax index calculates the performance of the 30 German most effective stock companies taking into account their orders volumes and market exchange The index is calculated by Deutsche Borse AG and is based on the electronic stock Xetra.

In order a company to participate in the DAX index, its stocks should be listed and have considerable turnover on the Frankfurt stock with legal headquarters in Germany or operate in Germany and be registered in a country of European Union.

The DAX index is a hereditary of the Borsenzeitung-Index (BZ-Index),money exchange designed in 1959. The company operates the data of the electronic stock XETRA. The index calculations are done on working days from 9.00 till 17.30 Central European Time. The trade is closed by 22.00.

Once the trade is over,money exchange the Deutsche Borse AG calculates the L-DAZ index (Eng. Late DAX) which is the market development indicator after the stock is closed. The L-Dax calculation is carried out every working day from 17.30 till 20.00 CET.

The foundation date of the DAX is considered 30th December 1987,money exchange when it was given a mark of 1000.

The DAX average is calculated with the account of performance of German giants like: BMW, Bayer, MAN,money exchange Volkswagen, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Lufthansa and others.

The other “DAX family members” include but are not limited to: TecDAX, MDAX, SDAX, HDAX, CDAX


  1. I was looking for the foundation date of DAX and glad to find it here as mentioned 30th December 1987.
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