Sunday, December 20, 2009

55 outlet join the service, "Fast Flip"

Attracted the service of "Fast Flip" of the company "Google" new partners from the international media, including a major included three British newspapers, after three months of its launch.

The "Google" The service that displays the images collected from news articles provide users with access to the largest number of news items from their own media favorite during an innovative way, as well as browse topics by a variety of sources.

The list of new partners such as the British newspapers "The Telegraph" and "Independent" and "Daily Express", as well as newspaper, "Los Angeles Times" of America.

Said Will Lewis, editor of "The Telegraph", he was pleased with the fact that the newspaper is part of an experiment that aims to improve the reader connect with the press through a technology that allows him a broader vision of the contents and also give him the benefit of the task to become familiar with a wider news instead of flipping pages rapidly newspaper.

On the other hand, is trying to "Google" to overcome the problems before launching the service to users first, to provide footage that contains news stories and also the comments of the pictures, because the majority of headlines are currently not readable.

The service of "flipping" fast began bonds of 39 news media, most of them American ways, and the service is still in the process of experimentation on the "Google Labs".

"Fast Flip" .. Service to browse Google News

The company "Google" has revealed its new "Fast Flip" or "flipping" fast to read news from major sites and electronic media, including the station "BBC" the British.

The new service allows users to quickly browse all the latest news contained on about 30 websites were blocked, a partner of the famous search engine, where the browser can jump from one subject to another more quickly than those typically required by the web pages.

And compared the "Google" between the use of the new product inversion newspaper or magazine pages very quickly without any delay.

The engineer Krishna Bharat, who developed the "Fast Flip" in a message on the blog site that the new service "name as it appears based on stirring the content of pages very quickly, so you can look quickly at a lot of pages to find something very interesting.

Among the media that provide the new service articles news magazines such as "The Atlantic" and "Business Week" and "Cosmobolitan" and "Il" and "Marie Claire" and "Newsweek" and "Aboubiolr Mekanieks", in addition to news sites on the Like the "TechCrunch" and "Salon" and "Sleight".

The spices that "Google" will share the advertising revenue derived by the service, "Fast Flip" with its partners, adding that the service will increase the revenues of publishers of newspapers and magazines, as the publishing industry is facing more difficulties today, and to encourage readers to browse more news is an essential part of the solution.

The new service allows to search for news search through several keys, as the subject and periodic and "most viewed" and "most popular" and even "recommended".

This service does not show only the first page of the news, and it should be users who want to read more to put pressure on the link to the original site untouched for news is still "Fast Flip" So far as a pilot service on the "Google Labs" suffered by the company to suspend its latest products users and to express their views about it.

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