Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Google" capture technology "real-time"

Announced "Google" America last Friday the acquisition of "Father of the Jet" the exclusive owner of Takinp file sharing in "real time" via the Internet.
He will join the last group to members of the service "the wave of Google" to help them re-evaluate the cooperation in the development of technology "real time" and improving the quality of research.
The company "father Gate" has developed a unique approach to improve the presentation of the files exchanged between several people from using the "Itherbad" for word processing documents via the Internet, allowing users to work together through technology, showing all changes for a moment to write on the keyboard.
And the similarity of the technical work of the service "Google Docs" Monday, providing editing and post processing files, as well as building and organization of the tables, but "Itherbad" unique to the availability of post editing of texts in the context of "real time".
While a "Google Docs" about 5 or 15 seconds to show the process of printing on the keyboard to the screens of other users, which sometimes causes conflict and confusion for some users.
It also does not need "Itherbad" ownership of the accounts of participants on the "Google" to be able to exchange files, which can be sent across the link, to invite friends to share a single file at the same moment, in addition to providing a colored background is unique for each user in order to avoid confusion.
The "Google" had launched the beta of the service "the wave of Google" to help users communicate and collaborate on the internet continue immediately with each other through the exchange of pictures, text and video clips, maps, cross-technical "real time".
"The wave of Google" .. The latest trend for e-mail
The company has launched a trial version of the service of "the wave of Google" to Assistant users to communicate and cooperate via e-mail immediately with each other through the exchange of pictures, text and video clips, maps and so on.
And the view of many specialists that "the wave of Google" will be the next generation of Google's e-mail service "Gmail", where the service interface looks similar to the interface "Gmail", but it looks more chaotic and insane.
Show "the wave of Google" When you first look as a built-in browser to send instant messages and posts using interactive technology "real time", where you can have a conversation with a full team at the same time.
You will also start talks individually and in small subsets of the original conversation, if you are used to re-edit your own scripts written in, you can choose between using the draft mode to hide your changes on the conversation to become ready to be sent to the rest of the participants in the conversation.
And unique service to allow you to see every character in the conversation during the writing, as well as the possibility of initiating a response before the completion of the writing, what makes the conversation seem more like talks of everyday life. And allows a stream to keep the talks, which are being registered each message character by character, and send it to anywhere Tudeh.
The new Google service, a software platform that is full of applications and interface open-source software, which gives developers the chance to create new applications added to the service.
The service works only on modern browsers such as Internet browser "Safari" of the company "Apple" and browser "Firefox" from "Mozilla" browser "Chrome" of the company "Google", you can also use the service with a browser "Internet Explorer" of the company " Microsoft. "

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