Sunday, December 20, 2009

"The stories of living" .. A new vision to provide news of "Google"

Company decided to "Google" cooperation with the American newspaper "Washington Post" and "New York Times" to produce news stories alive through separate pages for each story, a continuously updated the most recent events.
The project seeks to provide uniform coverage page for each topic, based on the organization and arrangement of information, the user's attention is focused on the latest changes since the last moment he had viewed the page.
She explained "Google" that the idea of "living stories" are concentrated on a new formulation of the concept of providing news coverage, which aims to move away from the model of the "inverted pyramid" traditional newspapers used to sponsor and which the most important issue or later part of the beginning of each story, whether in the user already read or not.
Users can also register their e-mail to get the latest updates regarding the page, and when it returns to the news once again, read the information in move will shift the color to gray or incorporated bottom of the page the user can see the information later.
The "Google" as part of the program is working to provide technical, but journalists Vsirkz their role in the writing and editing stories, while the company help them to do continuous updating and organization of the page.
When using the new project, the user will get the latest data provided on the news that he wants the facility to arrange a schedule of events and at the end show the rest of the stories, but the left side fitted with a list of articles, images, video clips and views received by him.
The "Google" had held talks with the "Washington Post" and "New York Times" since last summer, where he worked as engineers in the company's newsrooms newspapers for the development and testing of the new project, as well as it hopes to Tove any organization want to use.

Way "Google" to reduce free to browse the news

And announced "Google" recently it has become a news organization may determine the number of news reports Itcefhaa service users, "Google News" to see them for free.
And under the "first click free" publishers will be able to prevent unlimited access to Web sites that can participate.
And will be forwarded People who read more than five articles per day to pages asking them to pay the fees or registration.
Google users may begin to note the emergence of registration pages when they click through for the sixth time on the news site offers paid services during the twenty-four hours.
Said Josh Cohen, a director of "Google" that in the past, every strike of the user on the site is free, but now we have developed a program so that publishers can now determine the use without registration or participation not to exceed five times a day.
The media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, the world has been accused in the past, sites such as "Google" Baltksp of the press by publishing advertisements while you connect the user to press reports.
Some users avoid paying subscription fees in the newspaper-run sites across the access to it through the "Google News".
And the relocation of "BBC" story about Stpf Hewlett, an expert on media and the press as saying that Google's decision "is of great significance," adding that Murdoch is trying to drum up support and consensus that the pay for the content of websites is the right thing, and what some search engines such as "Google" to take advantage of this free content error.
"Microsoft" pulls news from the "Google"
The newspaper "Financial Times" recently reported that the British company "Microsoft" of America examined the idea of paying money for the Foundation, "News Corporation" News to remove their news from the search results "Google" and place them on a search engine "ping" of them.
The paper added that "Microsoft" offered the idea to other major news organizations, pointing out that such an agreement might have put "ping" in a better position in the competition of the engine "Google" is widespread.
The newspaper quoted a source close to the discussions between the "Microsoft" and the news organization owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the world saying that it is still in its early stages.
It also quoted an unnamed news site as saying that the plan pay for removal of the news content of the "Google" may raise the price of content to the massive values, to be included within the search list is exhaustive.

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