Sunday, December 20, 2009

Shares fall "Yahoo" in the search market, American

Recently reduced the shares of "Yahoo" in the U.S. Internet search market by the loss of deals, the integration of the famous engine search tool on new computers produced by major manufacturers.

The newspaper quoted "The Wall Street Journal," Carol Bartz on Director "Yahoo" the Executive said that the company has no desire to comply with costly transactions to strengthen the proportion of the search market.

Bartz The response to a question raised about the low stocks, "Yahoo" in the U.S. search market from 18.8% in September to 18% last October, according to company statistics, "comScore" specialized in research Internet markets.

The company had failed to renew the agreements on the integration of search tool, "Yahoo" in computers that are manufactured by companies, "HP" America and "Left" on Taiwan.

The newspaper quoted U.S. analysts as saying that search engines no longer attract advertisers often as a small number of users are putting pressure on the ads that offer.

In the same context, the Company continued to "Google" in America take the lead by as much as 65% last October, while the percentage of engine "ping" of the emerging company, "Microsoft's" to 10%.

The "Google" and last week signed an agreement on cooperation with "Microsoft" is expected activated early next year.

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