Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rules of "Facebook" reveal the new image of its founder, 300

Denied Mark Zuckerberg the founder of the social networking site "Facebook" hurt by the new privacy rules, which launched the site recently, after more than 300 provided a photograph of him on the public profiles for all users of the site for a brief period.
And provides new rules for the option to allow users to inform friends or friends of friends or all users, "Facebook" on the contents of their personal files.
After applying the changes on 9 December last year, was one of Zuckerberg revealed to thousands of users who saw images of him while attending concerts with his brothers and other images with friends.
For his part, Zuckerberg said he put most of its contents on its homepage for all to see, adding that it made part of the development of more specific but did not feel the need to reduce View pictures with friends Ouaailth, also pointed out that he changed the rules of privacy by the available photo in front of friends only after a short period.
The "Daily Mail" Britain, said the recent changes, has raised doubts among the groups interested in the field of privacy, which feared that such changes "trick" of the site to drive users to exchange information and reveal a great deal of them do not usually want to show.
The newspaper pointed out that the changes coincide with the search engines have sought to cooperate with social networking sites for the exchange of content generated by users of the search results, where the data will begin to emerge from the "Facebook" on the search technology "real time" the beginning of next month.
Was quoted as saying that the groups change "unwelcome" to entice users to exchange picture and personal calendar lists and updates of their cases with a greater number of Internet users by placing between the results of the engines.
The Kevin Bankstown of the "Electronic Frontr Foundations," which defends the rights of Internet users, these changes clearly involve the payment of users, "Facebook" to share more information than ever before themselves publicly.
The search technology in "real time" allowing to include updates and user data on social networking sites within the search results engines.
Soon .. Privacy rules of the new "Facebook"
The "Facebook" has recently announced a new privacy rules and a more streamlined enables users to choose friends who are watching their content on the site.
And decided to "Facebook" to provide a page explaining to users of the new privacy options, and provide specific recommendations based on the level of privacy selected by the user, which will be able to change constantly.
Site also decided to remove all local networks altogether, and replace them with simple models to facilitate the control and within the rules of privacy, because the number of these networks is made up of millions of users, causing them to make it useless by the Privacy Policy.
The site's founder, Mark Zuckerberg, the models simplified to facilitate the user control who can see its contents, whether they are friends or friends of friends or all users, "The requested us to add something many users, the ability to control those who are keen on each piece Single of the content that users invent or raising them on the site. "
And local networks are currently deployed in different countries next to corporate networks, schools, trademarks and football teams and so on.
Zuckerberg explained that the number of users, "Facebook" has now exceeded 350 million users, having joined the 50 million people during the last two and a half months.

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